ISOFP currently offers a wide range of course programs. A carefully engineered course outline designed by highly accredited leaders in their respective fields guarantee that your Learning experience with us will rival the best and reward you with the tools to advance in your career!
Courses have been designed with specific job competencies in mind, focusing on topics and subjects that will help with career advancement and professional development. ISOFP uses a broad range of learning structures, recognizing individual needs while respecting a consistent lateral outcome of success for all members. ISOFP offers the following courses in 6 faculties with 13 certification programs.
Wealth Management & Private Banking
Certified Wealth Management Advisor CWMA
Certified Private Banking Advisor CPBA
Retail & Priority Banking
Certified Loan Specialist CLS
Certified Personal Investment Advisor CPIA
Business & Corporate Banking
Certified Enterprise Specialist CES
Certified Credit Risk Analyst CCRA
Certified SME Lending Analyst CSLA
Investment Banking
Certified Corporate Advisory Specialist CCAS
Asset & Fund Management
Certified Investment Specialist CIS
Certified Asset Allocation Specialist CAAS
Insurance & Risk Management
Certified Personal Risk Specialist CPRS
Certified Corporate Risk Specialist CCRS